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Wednesday, September 19, 2012



It was fasting month; Rindu was the first time studied in Senior High Scholl, all of her friends felt little different starting the special month which they never thought to fast together again, once a year. Rindu was nervous because she remembered when she was in Junior High School, she just did it about fifteen days in the beginning and the left she didn't.
Rindu was sixteen; she understood that all of Moslems did it. Then, she thought that as a Moslem she must do it too. Nevertheless, she was still confused how to start to fast; Rindu was much worried when she saw her boy friend didn't fast at present.
“She came to him and She asked Andy (her boy friend) “Are you fasting...?”
“Andy Replied; no, I'm thirsty and hungry. I've tried but I can't..!!!”.
Andy felt strength with the question and he looked Rindu as if he didn't believe Rindu's question, Andy wondered but he didn't care. After hearing Andy's response, Rindu ran away.
            She ran away while crying, then sat down under the tree behind the school, she cried continuously. Rindu was crying when someone touched her shoulder softly. She turned over looking who he was. She was surprised and didn't believe that he was Andy. Andy said that he would like to stop smoking; drinking, eating and he promised to fast. Rindu was much surprised because she never thought this before, however she released that it was reality. After that, they went home together and the next days they were fasting together with all their friends for a month and celebrated Lebaran day.

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